The International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) designated May as the official Pelvic Pain Awareness Month.

What is chronic pelvic pain?

According to the IPPS, “CPP is any pelvic pain that lasts for more than six months and occurs in the pelvis or lower abdomen. Sometimes the cause of the pain is not obvious. At other times, the problem, which originally caused the pain, has lessened or even gone away completely, but the pain continues.”

As Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists, we have countless stories of men and women who sought our help while feeling confused and misunderstood about their condition. Our approach begins with raising awareness and understanding that the patient is experiencing a genuine physical issue, rather than it being solely “in their head.”

How can we help?

We dedicate time to educate our patients about the causes of their pain and the necessary steps for healing. Through a collaborative approach, we work with our patients to create a personalized plan that yields efficient results, taking into account their current pain levels and desired lifestyle. This may involve addressing posture, breathing patterns, muscle strength, muscle relaxation, mobility, and other factors.

Our ultimate goal is to promote holistic healing by leveraging the expertise of a well-rounded pelvic floor physical therapist who has access to the latest treatments.⁣

Contact us here if you have any questions about your pelvic health.