What does post-prostatectomy mean?

Post-prostatectomy refers to the period after a surgical procedure called prostatectomy, which involves
the removal of the prostate gland. The surgery is typically done to treat prostate cancer, but it can be
done for other medical reasons involving the prostate.

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, the patient’s age, general health, and any existing
illnesses, among other things, as well as the post-prostatectomy period, the patient may have a variety
of symptoms. These signs and symptoms can include erectile dysfunction, exhaustion, urine
incontinence, soreness, and discomfort.

Post-prostatectomy Symptoms and Recovery

The recovery process after a prostatectomy can vary from patient to patient, but it typically involves rest
and rehab to help patients regain their strength and function. Pelvic physical therapy can help with
many of the symptoms that may occur after a post-prostatectomy, such as:

  • Urinary incontinence: Pelvic physical therapy can help men regain control of their bladder
    function after prostate surgery. A physical therapist can teach exercises to strengthen the pelvic
    floor muscles, which support the bladder and urethra.
  • Erectile dysfunction: Pelvic physical therapy can also help with erectile dysfunction after
    prostate surgery. A physical therapist can teach exercises to improve blood flow to the penis
    and help men regain erectile function.
  • Pain or discomfort: Some men may experience pain or discomfort in the pelvic area after
    prostate surgery. Pelvic physical therapy can help alleviate this pain through exercises and
    manual therapy techniques.
  • Bowel dysfunction: Some men may experience bowel dysfunction after prostate surgery, such as
    constipation or fecal incontinence. Pelvic physical therapy can help improve bowel function by
    teaching exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bowel movement
  • Scar tissue can form after prostate surgery, which can cause pain and limit mobility. Pelvic
    physical therapy can help break up scar tissue and improve mobility through manual therapy
    techniques and stretching exercises.

Overall, pelvic physical therapy can help improve a man’s quality of life after prostate surgery by
addressing the physical symptoms that may occur. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider
to determine if pelvic physical therapy is appropriate for a particular individual.